Issue 2 (36) ’ 2021

Issue 2 (36) ’ 2021

Obraz. – Vol. 2 (36). – 2021



Title: Infographics as a medical informing tool during the covid-19 pandemic


Yanenko Yaroslav

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 6–13

  • The article defines the features of infographics as a means of medical information during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the possibilities of presenting the topic of coronavirus in infographics and the factors influencing on the target audience were identified. The article clarifies the main possibilities of using infographics during a pandemic, in particular, the use of infographics as a tool for communicating with the target audience and influencing the solution of social problems. Particular attention is paid to the specifics of infographics as a component of visual communications during a pandemic. The article defines the dominant colors in infographics, use of histograms, charts and maps, the ratio of «text-centric» and «graphic-centric» infographics. It was found that in infographics, images of characters of a certain gender are predominantly used, rather than gender-neutral symbols.

    Key words: visual communication, infographic, coronavirus, COVID-19.

  • UDC 007 : 304 : 659. 3

    Infographics as a medical informing tool during the covid-19 pandemic

    Yanenko Yaroslav, D.Sc. (Social Communications), Associate Professor,
    Sumy State University, 2, Rimsky-Korsakov St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –

    Introduction. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of disseminating evidence-based health advice, has influenced the acceleration of global media trends, the use of various forms of visual communication to quickly disseminate accurate information about the health sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infographics are perfect for this, because they make it easier for readers to understand complex information.
    Relevance and purpose.
    The purpose of our study is to determine the features of infographics as a means of medical informing during the COVID-19 pandemic. The relevance is due to the need to find out how modern media use visual communication during a pandemic and the use of infographics as a health communication tool.
    The main method used in the article is content analysis. The descriptive method allowed selecting units of analysis and classifying them for analysis. The systematic approach that allowed us to identify trends concerning the peculiarities of the content of infographics.
    As a result of the study is that in the overwhelming majority of the examples we analyzed infographics are used directly for medical information. Only sometimes infographics act as a source of information about the impact of the pandemic on certain areas of society. As a result of researching examples of infographics that were distributed in Ukrainian media and social networks during the COVID-19 pandemic, the features of infographics were identified as a means of medical information. In particular, these are: there is an identifier of the organization that initiated the creation of the infographic; the dominant colors are dark blue, light blue and red; infographics predominantly contain images of characters of a particular gender, rather than gender-neutral characters; dominated by “text-centric” infographics; the tools that are used in “graph-centric” infographics are histograms, charts and maps. A number of positive behavioral habits were also identified, the formation of which is aimed at the infographics (wear a mask in public places, wash hands thoroughly, etc.). So, infographics have become an effective tool for medical information during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    As a result of our research, we found out the features of infographics as a means of medical information during the COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, the possibilities of presenting the topic of coronavirus in infographics and the factors influencing on the target audience. Accordingly, the novelty and practical value of the results are important for identifying the factors affecting the state of the national information space during a pandemic.

    Key words: visual communication, infographic, coronavirus, COVID-19.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 11.02.2021

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Title: Publications of Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova in the ukrainian press of the beginning of the 20th century


Silevych Liliya

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 14–21

  • The study is concerned with the distinctive features of effective cooperation between well-known public and cultural figure Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova and Ukrainian periodicals at the beginning
    of the 20th century. The author considers problematic and genre aspects of her articles, particularly in Rada daily newspaper and on the base of their analysis divides them into two problem-thematic groups:
    socio-political and culturological. It is stated the necessity for further research on ShyshmanovaDrahomanova’s journalistic heritage, in particular, the study of her interpretation of a number of key issues of social, political, scientific and cultural life

    Key words: Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova, press, journalism, problem-thematic aspects, genre characteristics.

  • UDC 007 : 304 : 070 (477) (09)

    Publications of Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova in the ukrainian press of the beginning of the 20th century

    Silevych Liliya, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, e-mail: [email protected],
    Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, 2 Halytska Str., Ivano-Frankivsk, 76018, Ukraine.
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0266-3361

    Introduction. Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova is usually regarded as a Bulgarian writer, journalist, translator, women’s rights activist and public figure. However, the daughter of Mykhailo Drahomanov also closely cooperated with Ukrainian press of the beginning of the 20th century having published there a considerable number of materials.
    Relevance of the study is to expolore the problem-thematic aspects and genre features of the publications of Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova, which were published in Ukrainian newspapers and magazines.
    Methodology. The research methods include biographical method (to examine the main periods of the journalist’s life and work), press-cliping (to select the articles by Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova out of Ukrainian periodicals), bibliographical (for compiling the list of the journalist’s publications for further analysis), historical (for clarifying the reliability of facts), methods of analysis and synthesis (used to determine the basic concepts of the journalist’s publications).
    Results. The study was conducted on the basis of articles published in the Ukrainian periodicals at the beginning of the 20th century, in particular, «Dilo» (“Business”), «Nashe mynule» (“Our Past”), «Nova Rada» (“New Council”), «Nova Ukraina» (“New Ukraine”), «Ukraina» (“Ukraine”), «Ukrainskaia Zhyzn» (“Ukrainian Life”) and others. Selected articles belong to different genres, among them are reports, letters, analytical articles, other analytical and journalistic publications written by Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova and other persons revealing the features of her life and creative work. The paper pays particular
    attention to those by Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova that appeared in the «Rada» (“Council”) diary. They are very important for demonstration of Bulgarians’ social, political and cultural life as well as for highlighting the difficulties of international relations on the eve of the First World War.
    Conclusions. The important task for today’s researches is to compile a bibliography of articles by Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova published in Ukrainian press. The necessary and not the less important is to revise the previous opinions on her journalist’s texts, in particular, her interpretation of a number of key issues of social, political, scientific and cultural life. Such a study would comprehensively reveal the versatility of her journalistic activity, filling one more gap in the history of Ukrainian journalism.

    Key words: Lidia Shyshmanova-Drahomanova, press, journalism, problem-thematic aspects, genre characteristics.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 02.09.2021

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Title: Gender figures in fiction communication


Sushkova Olena, Shestak Kateryna

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P.22–29

  • The aim of the article is to identify female and male behaviour models, basing on a Ukrainian folk tale «Pro cholovika, shcho mav zlu zhinku»/«About a man who had an evil wife» as a component of gender
    figures in fiction communication. The relevance of the research is that developing studying of gender component of Ukrainian folk tales, the article emphasises the significance of gender figures in fiction
    communication. We state that gender identification of the tale’s characters is successful as they take themselves as a man and a woman. At the same time, they share certain gender role attitudes of their
    parents, which we can regard as following: a man is weak and must obey a woman; a woman is strong and must control a man. In the process of the research, we found out that a folk tale «About a man who had an evil wife» demonstrates the interaction of a masculine woman and a feminine man. Shaping of gender identity of the characters results from the wrong gender model, which the man and the woman observed in their childhood and further transferred in their adult life: on both personal gender identity and interaction with the opposite sex.

    Key words: gender, gender identity, gender figures, fiction communication.

  • UDC 007 : 304 : 070

    Gender figures in fiction communication

    Sushkova Olena, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor, е-mail: [email protected],
    ORCID – 0000-0002-2765-6654
    Shestak Kateryna, Magistrant, е-mail: [email protected],
    ORCID –
    Sumy State University, 2, Rymsky-Korsakov St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine.

    Introduction. Practical study of magazines aimed to identify their place in the scientific communication system requires the discovery of typological traits and features and to model and predict new publications. Such analysis includes thematically oriented classification, identifying typological features of magazines and their kinds, logical classification of models, typological modeling.
    Relevance and aim. The aim of the research is to identify female and male behaviour models, basing on a Ukrainian folk tale «Pro cholovika, shcho mav zlu zhinku»/«About a man who had an evil wife» as a component of gender figures in fiction communication. The relevance of the research is that developing studying of gender component of Ukrainian folk tales, the article emphasises the significance of gender figures in fiction communication.
    Methodology. T
    o implement the work, we used the following methods: hermeneutic (for understanding the sense of the folk tale), semantic-stylistic (for revealing correlation of linguistic means which expressively render the intellectual, emotional, or esthetic sense of the feature work with informational sense), method of psychoanalysis.
    At first sight, we can regard a Ukrainian folk tale «About a man who had an evil wife» depicting the moral value of a woman who was not satisfied with the welfare and her husband’s work and punished for that. If to look at it from a gender point of view, according to her inner world perception and outer attitude to one another, the woman belongs to a masculine type because she rules, and the man belongs to the feminine type because he acts upon instructions. Generally, gender identification of the tale’s characters is successful, as they take themselves as a man and a woman. At the same time, they share certain gender role attitudes of their parents, which we can regard as following: a man is weak and must obey a woman; a woman is strong and must control a man.
    In the process of the research, we found out that a folk tale «About a man who had an evil wife» demonstrates the interaction of a masculine woman and a feminine man. Shaping of gender identity of the characters results from the wrong gender model, which the man and the woman observed in their childhood and further transferred in their adult life: on both personal gender identity and interaction with the opposite sex.
    Key words: gender, gender identity, gender figures, fiction communication.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 06.09.2021

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Title: Literary criticism in the field of social communication: definitions, tasks, functions


Kharamurza Daria

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 30–39

  • The article analyzes the main approaches to defining the concept of literary criticism. Actual tasks, forms, and functions of literary criticism in the media space are studied. The author concludes that regulatory and educational functions of literary criticism become less important than functions of marketing, communication, information, and filtering. The analysis allowed us to find out which transformational processes modern literary criticism undergoes. And how the author and the form of literary-critical materials change. The characteristic features that literary criticism acquires as a subsystem of social communications are highlights.

    Key words: literary criticism, social communication, mass media, functions of literary criticism.

  • UDC 007:070+82-09

    Literary criticism in the field of social communication: definitions, tasks, functions

    Kharamurza Daria, PhD Student,
    Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities, 4, acad. S. Demianchuk St., Rivne, 33000, Ukraine, email: [email protected],
    ORCID –

    Introduction. Literary criticism is closely connected with literature, culture, mass media. It is an important part of the communication system of society. New information technologies have caused changes within literary criticism. The topicality of the research is determined by the need to rethink the classical approaches to defining the concept, objectives, and functions of literary criticism, which has undergone significant transformations in recent decades.
    The main objective of the study is to highlight the concept of literary criticism and to define the current tasks, functions of literary criticism as a subsystem of social communications.
    Methodology. Following research methods were used in this article – analysis, synthesis, interpretation, abstraction, system and comparative analysis, induction and deduction, generalization. With the help of these methods, the dynamics of changes of literary criticism in media space are researches, the characteristic features of literary criticism as a subsystem of social communications are determined.
    Results. The author analyzes the main approaches to defining the concept of literary criticism. Actual tasks, forms, and functions of literary criticism in the media space are studied. The author concludes that regulatory and educational functions of literary criticism become less important than functions of marketing, communication, information, and filtering. The analysis allowed us to find out which transformational processes modern literary criticism undergoes. And how the author and the form of literary-critical materials change. The characteristic features that literary criticism acquires as a subsystem of social communications are highlights.
    Conclusions. Modern literary criticism goes beyond traditional definitions and acquires new features. At the level of professional criticism, there is amateur criticism. The approach to the submission of materials is changing.

    Key words: literary criticism, social communication, mass media, functions of literary criticism.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 23.09.2021

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Title: Age discursive practices in electronic media news


Balandina Nadiya, Pankevych Olena

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 40–53

  • The purpose of the investigation is to identify discriminatory gerontophobic practices in the news of electronic media and to illustrate the multi-vector discursive field of ageism. The content analysis allowed to establish the specifics of gerontological ageism, in particular its institutional nature, the presence of open and latent forms, which contributes to the spread of gerontophobia. This occurs as a result of age exclusion – the process of alienation from social and economic life, reduction of social roles through the use of such discriminatory practices as biomedicalization, marginalization, invisibilization, infantilization, dehumanization, trivialization, patronage. Among these practices are traditional, deep into antiquity, and operational, adjusted to modern realities. The media disseminate what is in society, and hence, determine what attitude to old age is cultivated in the mass consciousness.
    Key words: ageism, news, elderly people, age exclusion, discriminatory practices.

  • UDC 316.647.8:070-028.27

    Age discursive practices in electronic media news

    Balandina Nadiya, D.Sc. (Philology), Professor, e-mail: [email protected],
    ORCID – 0000-0002-6933-838X
    Pankevych Olena, PhD (Pedagogical Sciences), e-mail: [email protected],
    ORCID – 0000-0003-3157-3349
    Odesa Polytechnic State University 1 Shevchenko Ave, Odesa 65044, Ukraine.

    Introduction. In Ukraine, there is a steady increase in the number of people in the category of 60+, which affects the quality of their lives, relations between generations. Traditionally, respect for older people as bearers of experience, prudence, and wisdom is leveled off, while gerontophobic stereotypes of old age as a threat to the spread of ageism, including the media, are growing.
    The aim of the research is to identify discriminatory gerontophobic practices in the news of electronic media and to illustrate the multi-vector discursive field of ageism.
    Research methods. The search for an empirical basis was held using content analysis of news submitted during 2020 by 40 central and 129 local media. Age meanings were recognized at the level of individual lexical units, phrases and broader contexts. An interdisciplinary discursive approach was also used to analyze the collected material.
    Results and discussions. The specificity of gerontological ageism in the media is established, which consists in its institutional nature, has an open and latent form, promotes gerontophobic stereotypes that degrade human dignity, move retirees to the periphery of public life, thereby minimizing their social rights.
    It has been proved that all this happens as a result of the process of exclusion, which is based on the principle of removing age groups from the social community on the principle of «we are not like them, we are better than them». The process of age exclusion marked by ageism is heterogeneous: on the one hand, it occurs due to the medicalization of old age, its devaluation in the practices of marginalization, improvisation, infantilization, dehumanization and trivialization, and on the other hand, under the guise of social solidarity, protection and attention to the elderly, i.e. patronage.
    It is shown that the selected discriminatory practices are the result of the selection of information that tends to be sensational, causes an emotional reaction, brings a person out of an inert state, worries.
    Conclusions. The revealed news content testifies to the unjustified spread of hate speech, which can be equated to aggression, harassment of pensioners as victims of rapists and fraudsters. It can be argued that this is not only a problem of gerontophobia in the media, but also in society as a whole. The media disseminate what is in society, and hence, determine what attitude to old age is cultivated in the mass consciousness.

    Key words: ageism, news, elderly people, age exclusion, discriminatory practices.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 26.08.2021.

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Title: Perspectives of new journalism in Ukraine. Polemical Notes


Vasilenko Mikita

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 54–62

  • The purpose of this academic work is to investigate the dissemination of the methods of new journalism in Ukraine. It has been determined that reporting is developing slowly in the national media, while reporting materials per se are rare. We have analyzed the causes of this phenomenon and suggested some possible ways of optimizing such a situation. We have outlined the possibilities of mastering the basics of new journalism by domestic reporters. Emphasis is placed on the need to study both the theoretical and practical legacy of Tom Wolfe, an American reporter, and theorist of new journalism. The initial attempts to apply the techniques of new journalism in the national media have been demonstrated by specific examples of national print and online publications.

    Key words: new journalism, reporter, fiction, Tom Wolfe.

  • UDC 007 : 070 : 422

    Perspectives of new journalism in Ukraine. Polemical Notes

    Vasilenko Mikita, D.Sc. (Philology), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Institute of Journalism, 36/1, Yu. Illenko St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –

    Introduction. The relevance of the research’s topic is conditioned by the obvious fact that the new journalism, initiated by Tom Wolfe in the United States more than half a century ago, has spread around the world as a method of writing a journalistic work. But it did not reach Ukraine. The author of this study acknowledges that, due to the lack of knowledge and mastery of the basic techniques and methods of new journalism, modern Ukrainian journalists, and with them an average Ukrainian reader, lose too much: from a vivid picture of the world to deep emotional empathy with the hero of journalistic work. The author has addressed in many other studies the reasons for such catastrophic lag in the training of reporters in Ukrainian universities, as well as during their practical work in print and online publications.
    Relevance of the study. It is necessary to count on optimization and, at the same time, to plan theoretical developments and practical actions, taking into account time frames. Planning the development of media and new journalism in particular should be similar to planning the upbringing of a child: sending him or her to school, then to university, and finally to the office. On the one hand, such an approach may seem unreasonably long.
    Methodology. The main method of the study is comparative and historical-comparative. There was also an opportunity to use the method of genre-thematic differentiation, which was applied to the «recognition» of the relevant genre materials and, accordingly, their characteristics. The author has also made appropriate conclusions and logical proposals following the method of generalization.
    Results. What seems to be the persistent problem of Ukrainian journalism, namely the lack of appropriate «publication spaces» (newspapers, magazines, online publications) for the implementation of creative ideas—at the same time may turn positive. A relatively small number of active media outlets require a small number of reporters. Therefore, it is possible to speak about a certain rigid professional selection.
    Conclusions. New journalism in Ukraine has a chance to develop only if there is a public demand for it on behalf of readers. The joint efforts of theorists and practitioners are needed to inform readers, viewers, and listeners about new methods of presenting material. These methods need to be tested in both print and online publications. By slowly teaching the reader to appreciate the original new journalism, one can safely introduce it to the general public.

    Key words: new journalism, reporter, fiction, Tom Wolfe.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 4.10.2021

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Title: Particularities of Visual Metaphors in Advertising Campaigns About Ecological Problems


Antonova Olha, Sokolov Maksym

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 63–71

  • The article is dedicated to the peculiarities of visual metaphors usage in the design of foreign public service announcement campaigns about ecological problems. The specifics of graphic and expressive means of public service announcements against the destruction of forest resources is analysed, typical types of visual metaphors used in public service announcement materials in campaigns of WWF and other world public organizations about this topic are distinguished. It was found that the main implementation element of authors’ communicative strategy in public service announcement materials is the graphic part of advertising, which is based on a metaphorical understanding of reality, and the text serves as an explanatory addition to it. Visual content can be largely outspoken, cruel, and appealing to guilt and fear, which ensures the impact of the suggestive influence of public service announcement products and serves as a factor of effectiveness for a public service announcement campaign about this problem.

    Key words: visual metaphor, graphic and expressive means of public service announcement, influence of public service announcement, creolized text, design of advertising.

  • УДК 007:304:659.13

    Особливості візуальної метафорики у дизайні рекламних кампаній на екологічну тематику

    Антонова Ольга,
    канд. наук із соц. комунік., доц., e-mail: [email protected]
    Orcid ID:
    Соколов Максим, магістрант, e-mail: [email protected]
    Orcid ID:
    Національний університет харчових технологій, вул. Володимирська, 68, м. Київ, 01601, Україна.

    Вступ. Статтю присвячено розглядові особливостей використання в дизайні соціальної реклами закордонних рекламних кампаній на екологічну тематику візуальної метафорики. Саме соціальна реклама перебирає на себе функції регуляції й формування бажаної суспільної поведінки.
    Важливість проблеми зумовлена активним висвітленням її у соціальній рекламі світових кампаній. Їх кількість та міжнародний характер зумовлюють актуальність нашого дослідження.
    Мета розвідки полягає в дослідженні особливостей зображально-виражальних засобів у соціальній рекламі, контент якої спрямований проти винищення лісових ресурсів, виокремленні типових видів візуальних метафор, використаних у рекламних матеріалах на цю тему, та розкритті їх впливогенного потенціалу.
    Методи дослідження. Для дослідження використані загальнонаукові методи аналізу й синтезу. Увага акцентувалася на зображальній складовій матеріалів, представлених у рекламних матеріалах, присвячених проблемі винищення лісових ресурсів. Контент-аналіз для огляду використовуваних візуальних засобів та визначення тенденцій візуалізації екологічної проблематики в рекламних матеріалах, описовий метод дозволили виділити одиниці аналізу та класифікувати їх, компонентний та порівняльний аналізи дали можливість виділити типи рекламних візуальних метафор, зіставити їх за ступенем відвертості, емоційною складовою.
    Результати дослідження й висновки. Проблема винищення лісових ресурсів планети, з огляду на актуальність і міжнародний статус, неодноразово ставала предметом соціальної реклами, що проводилася в окремих країнах. В основі впливогенності рекламних матеріалів лежить метафоричне осмислення дійсності, яке формують як вербальна, так і невербальна, візуальна складові. Утворюється так званий креолізований текст, в якому саме зображальна складова, що ґрунтується на візуальній метафорі, є основним носієм рекламного повідомлення, а текст допомагає його розкодуванню та підсилює впливогенний потенціал. Типовими метафорами в рекламах проти знищення лісу є зіставлення лісу й людського організму, лісу й життя його мешканців, а також гіперболізована візуалізація наслідків його знищення. Візуальний контент може бути значною мірою відвертим, жорстоким, апелювати до почуття провини й страху, що забезпечує впливогенність рекламних продуктів та є фактором ефективності таких рекламних кампаній.

    Ключові слова: візуальна метафорика, зображально-виражальні засоби реклами, впливогенність реклами, креолізований текст, дизайн реклами.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 13.04.2021.

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Title: Analysis of informal communications in conditions of hybrid war


Yurkova Olga, Smola Lydiya

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 72–80

  • The article considers the information-psychological component of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war and the resilience of Ukrainian society in relation to external information influences, in particular, informal communications as their component. A brief overview of the most important research in the study of the phenomenon of hybrid warfare and its features in the context of the actions and military thought of the Russian Federation. Examples of the use of informal communications as a tool of the Russian information war against Ukraine are analyzed. The results of the study confirm that the channels of informal communication under certain conditions can be used to inject panic and provoke threatening consequences for national security. The need to increase society’s resilience to this category of hybrid influences is pointed out.

    Key words: informal communications, social media, hybrid war, state security, fake news.

  • UDC 316.772.5:004.738.5](043.2)

    Analysis of informal communications in conditions of hybrid war

    Yurkova Olga, PhD student, e-mail: [email protected]
    Smola Lydiya, D. Sc. (Political Science), Professor, e-mail: [email protected]
    Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the Publishing and Printing Institute, 1/37, Akademika Yangelya St., Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine.

    Introduction. Informal communication means to play a dangerous role in psychological influences conducted as a part of hybrid warfare as it is covert and difficult to identify. This raises the problem of counteracting them. The paper attracts attention to the peculiarities of using informal communications in the context of Russian-Ukrainian information war.
    Relevance and purpose. The purpose of the study is to summarize the results of research on the role of informal communication as the mean for hybrid war and to analyze their practical application by example. The relevance is due to the need to identify and explore the factors threatening national information security during the hybrid war.
    Methodology. The main methods used in the study are critical analysis and synthesis. The additional methods are the terminological analysis; the case study method and the qualitative analysis of interviews with 6 Ukrainian media experts.
    Results. As a result of the study is established that the purpose of information influence on society includes, first of all, radicalization, a decrease in the level of trust, and, as a consequence, low criticism in the perception of hostile narratives. To achieve this goal, both formal and informal information channels are used. To informal ones, rumors on social networks and messengers have been added in modern conditions. A striking example of informal hybrid influence is the provocation of public unrest at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in the town of Novi Sanzhary, Poltava region, on February 20, 2020. One of the main reasons for the situation was the lack of quality official communication.
    Conclusions. The work has led us to conclude that not only classic media, but also social networks and messengers are becoming more and more a channel for spreading disinformation. There are no regulations and legal restrictions, and information is spread in real-time there. In this case, it is often not untrue, but its presentation shapes the reaction desired by the aggressor, and, hence, leads to the decisions that are beneficial to the manipulators. So, understanding the possible consequences of spreading rumors is often as important as assessing their veracity.

    Key words: informal communications, social media, hybrid war, state security, fake news.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 14.09.2021.

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Title: Ways and methods of improving the efficiency of the educational course «Journalism Skills»


Zorina Alexandra

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2021. Vol.2 (36). P. 81–88

  • The main purpose of scientific intelligence is to identify and analyze the techniques and methods of improving the effectiveness of one of the most popular and pragmatic training courses. «Journalistic skills» is read as a theoretical course with a large number of practical ones, but this is clearly not enough, so we offer original methods of raising the level of journalistic activity, analysis of facts, based on the practice of domestic and foreign media. The article provides a solid historical digression; it is recommended to use the appropriate advice of generations of Ukrainian researchers on the professional discipline. The individual approach to the training and retraining of reporters and analysts in print and online publications is demonstrated by specific examples. The optimal ways of combining a theoretical course and practical work to improve journalistic skills in domestic universities and the media are proposed.

    Key words: skill, analytics, periodicals, online publications, massification.

  • UDC 007: 070
    Ways and methods of improving the efficiency of the educational course «Journalism Skills»
    Zorina Alexandra, PhD (Philosophy),
    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Institute of Journalism, 36/1, Yu. Illenko St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –
    Introduction. The course “Journalistic Skills” under different names but with the same task, meaning and prospects for implementation in practice, has existed since the founding of the Faculty of Journalism of Kyiv State University. This is the name of the training unit after the end of World War II. Indirect mention of this is found in the thorough works of I. Prokopenko, D. Prilyuk, A. Moskalenko and other. ” Journalistic Skills ” as a professional discipline also fit organically into the programs of related courses.
    Methodology. The method of functional-pragmatic analysis was used as the main one, which allowed to bring the theoretical material closer to practice. The method of observation allowed to optimally choose typical examples that illustrate theoretical references. The paper uses the method of monitoring of mass media, because without taking into account the specifics of the current media, it is impossible to form a general idea of the journalistic skills of each member of the creative team.
    Results. According to the author of the article, journalism, which sometimes becomes a work of fiction unnoticed even by the author, is the highest indicator of journalistic skill. Optimal for the improvement of journalistic skills is the fact that domestic reporters, interviewers, and analysts have started working in a new edition, the team of which is not burdened by traditions and outdated dogmas. The new edition provides not only new opportunities but also the need for more active, finding new ways and methods of presenting information. This is due to the issues of fierce competition, the desire of each of the young, as a rule, the team to prove itself as a professional journalist.
    Conclusions. Ways to improve your own creative skills can be different, but they can be divided into two directions. The first is traditional. Studying the basics of journalistic skills in higher education. It is necessary to consider the second global direction, which is the practical development of skills and innovations in the technique of writing works. Obviously, it is optimal to organize joint seminars with subsequent seminars of leading Ukrainian publications together with theorists of journalism.
    Key words: skill, analytics, periodicals, online publications, massification.
    Стаття надійшла до редакції 11.09.2021.

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