CHERNYSH Anna, Dr. Sc. (Philology), Senior Lecturer, Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine, e-mail:
[email protected]
Introduction. The media image of a city is determined by a set of mediatisation factors and a wide network of media that present it. The media image of a city is formed taking into account the city’s history, architecture, its “ knowability” by prominent fgures, places, brands, business strategies, commercial component, and public opinion.
Relevance of the study. These components make it possible to conclude that the media play a major role in the life of an urban community. The analysis of the media content of regional media contributes to the formation of an idea of the image of the city as it appears to the recipients. The focus of scientifc interest is the Sumy online publication “Tsukr”, which content is of interest for establishing a positive media image of the city of Sumy.
Methodology. The study used general scientifc methods of analysis and synthesis, systematisation and generalisation of material, content analysis, and some aspects of discursive and narrative methodology. The study is based on the principles of objectivity and academic integrity.
Results. The media signifcantly form the images of different spaces. Media technologies (video, online spaces, regional and national media outlets, various advertising campaigns, etc.) and an active process of digitalisation are used to create images of cities, towns, and communities. The process of city mediatisation allows us to focus on the key factors of city image formation, which are components of geocultural and urban image studies, among which the most important are regional print and online media, a developed system of television and radio communication, historical and cultural presentation of the city in the media environment, as well as active
processes of media convergence. The article focuses on the content of the Tsukr publication, which informs about events within a specifc locale/region/territory, is a common communication space for Sumy residents and a source of feedback between them.
Conclusions. The analysis of the content of the regional online publication “Tsukr” proves that it is one of the most influential media outlets in Sumy, which actively generates the image of a successful, economically strong, prosperous, cultural city.
Keywords: city, city image, Tsukr, communication, online publication, media, media culture.