Issue 3 (40) ’ 2022
Title: | The impact of the war in Ukraine on the world economy: a review of foreign media |
DOI: |
Vashyst Kateryna, Azimova Olena, Hunter Lilian.
ISSN 2415-8496 |
The article highlights the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the Ukrainian economy and the economic situation in Europe and the world, which is the subject of many scientific paradigms, including analytical journalism. The authors offer a brief but very scrupulous overview of some of the world’s best-known analytical media outlets, with sound conclusions from economic experts examining macroeconomic policy options to manage a range of side effects, including trade disruptions, food prices, and other commodities, as well as financial markets. The proposed study will help journalists, analysts, and scientists in different fields to monitor the side effects of the war and related sanctions on the state of the economy in Ukraine, other countries in the European region, and in particular countries with increased vulnerability or risk of crisis.
Key words:Russian-Ukrainian war, analytical mass media, economic state, European Union, macroeconomic policy.
UDC 355.4(477): 33(100)]: 070.447
The impact of the war in Ukraine on the world economy: a review of foreign media
Vashyst Kateryna, lecturer, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID – Olena, PhD student, e-mail: [email protected]
Sumy State University, 2 Rymskoho-Korsakova St., Sumy, 40000, UkraineHunter Lilian, translater, e-mail: [email protected]
Chartered Institute of Linguistics (CloL), LondonIntroduction. This article is dedicated to the study of an important phenomenon that has been taking place in Ukraine for what is now approaching a decade. The 2013–14 Revolution of Dignity was quickly followed by Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and then by a war between Russia and Ukraine in the Donbas region. The war greatly impacted various aspects of life in Ukraine in
the past eight years including its profound effect on Ukrainian economy.
Relevance. The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Ukrainian economy has now, correspondingly, become a subject of scholarly study within different scientific paradigms, including analytical journalism The situation in Ukraine and its influence on the economic situation in Europe and in the world is increasingly analyzed at conferences and in various global academic forums, especially it is highlighted in different kinds of the world media. A thorough reading of the press articles on economics reveals that the above-mentioned topic, and other correlating crucial ones, are approached by the scholars fastidiously, and that they propose meaningful arguments for analyzing various aspects of military events coverage in the media.
Methodology. To achieve the goals, a set of interrelated research methods was used, including a critical analysis of current scientific papers on the selected topic, and a synthesis of the main conclusions into a comprehensive system vision. The principal research method is the content analysis of media publications on economic topics. Empirical data were obtained using methods of observation and discourse analysis of examples published in the world’s online media. The comparative method allowed to select units of research and classify them. The systematic approach helped to identify trends in the specifics of information during the Russian-Ukrainian war. With the help of the generalization method, the corresponding conclusions and offers for
scientists and practitioners are made.
Results. The authors offer a brief but very thorough overview of some of the world’s bestknown analytical media publications (The Economist Business Insider, The New York Times, BBC News Business Reporter, VoxEU, Press Release, OECD Economic Outlook, etc.) with thorough conclusions from economic experts.
Conclusions. When this article enters into a dialogue with future academic publications, it will offer a useful look at how the war stimulated the world not only to analyze events in Ukraine, but also to make concrete decisions and actions. Today’s analysis of the nuances of how the Russian-Ukrainian war impacts the world, and the study of various reactions of world organizations and prominent influential people to the adaptation of the world economy in particular in the war in Ukraine, in turn, will affect the scientific fundamental adjustment of relevant theoretical concepts. Thus, the research conducted by the authors can be very valuable for scholars, both in journalism and other spheres, studying the ways of the war impact, especially on economy.Key words: influence, media influence, media text, psychological features, sociopsychomental characteristics, suggestor, text actualization.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 06.07.2022
Title: | Psychological dimension of modern Ukrainian military diaries |
DOI: |
Kovalenko Alla, Telpis Dmytro.
ISSN 2415-8496 |
The article is devoted to determining the role of emotions and emotional states as tools for reflecting feelings and experiences, emotional experience of the military in diaries about the war, their influence and motivation. It is established that emotions and emotional states determine the specifics of narration in the diary text, the means of reproducing subjectivity, compositional features, the way of communication with heroes, readers and auto-communication. The emotions (among them primary, secondary), named and unnamed, dominant emotional states of the author, characters and readers, which became the basis for writing “Diary of a Military Doctor” by V. Chernienko and represented the axiological and psychological aspects of the phenomenon of war, are singled out and systematized.
Key words: war, emotions, emotional states, social and communication technologies, diary.
UDC 070]:159.942-057.36: 821.161.2-94
Psychological dimension of modern Ukrainian military diaries
Kovalenko Alla, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor,
Mechnikov Odesa National University, Dvoryanska str. 2, 65082, Odesa, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].
ORCID – Dmytro, Magistrant,
Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Schmidt str. 4, 71100, Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].Introduction. Invaluable from the point of view of personal military experience, comprehension of the phenomenon of war by the participants themselves is documentary literature, such as the
texts of G. Kharchenko «Diary of an Artilleryman», R. Zinenko «Illovaysk Diary», V. Chernienko «Diary of a Military Doctor», etc., the last one was the most emotionally expressive.
Relevance and purpose of the study. Undoubtedly, war literature, documentary, journalism are now being actively studied in scientific circles from the standpoint of chronicles of events, interest in the author’s personality, his reactions to events, in general, understanding the phenomenon of war between the «fraternal peoples». Our attention is drawn to the axiological and psychological aspects of the study of the documentary text about the war, hence the purpose: to identify the emotional component in such diaries, to classify emotions, emotional states of the author, characters and reader, to determine their correlation with the subjective psychotype of the author, as well as to describe the ways of representing emotionality in the text.
Research methods. The study of emotions and emotional states, their allocation in the diaries was carried out on the basis of the content analysis of the text, the allocation of emotions and emotional states named by the author, the use of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as the structural method to highlight the emergence of psychological states and emotions, their stages of formation, influence on the features of the narration in the diary etc.Conclusions. The genre of the diary allows illustrating self-reflection and specifically reflect personal emotions, the author to be as frank as possible with himself (in the studied test
also through confession and sleep), and at the same time show an emotional slice of the social experience of war related to professional and civic duties. The analyzed diary shows that in the
course of acquiring their own experience of war, the participant/witness experiences the entire emotional paradigm of both primary (anger, disgust, despair, fear, distress, guilt, interest, joy,
love, surprise) and secondary emotions, and secondary emotions (emotions in the course of human socialization), named and unnamed, dominant explicated binary emotions (interest-excitement,
disgust-aversion-rejection, alertness-expectation-interest), etc.Existential states reflected in the diary, firstly, reflect the emotional image of the author as fully
as possible, demonstrate the highest degree of emotionality of the author’s «I»; and secondly, help reflect also the processes of auto-communication and overcoming the distance in communication
with the reader, have a powerful influential potential through frankness, openness. The text highlights flashbacks and triggers, which are often a trigger or a certain stage in the
experience of emotions and emotional states. In order to avoid psychological trauma, addiction to the psychological state of shock, the author sublimates in the diary, in particular, in the
experiences of positive emotions of childhood, love for his father, beauty, admiration for a little girl and dreams of his own children, and therefore – hope for salvation, survival. The emotions
and emotional states highlighted in the diary clearly demonstrate the motivation of the activities of servicemen and ordinary Ukrainians in the occupied territories in extreme conditions, as well
as have an informational and psychological impact on mass communication in Ukrainian society.Key words: war, emotions, emotional states, social and communication technologies, diary.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 09.10.2022
Title: | Essays of Sofia Rusova: Factors Influencing the Choice of Genre Form of Publications |
DOI: |
Yevdokymenko Irina.
ISSN 2415-8496 |
In the scientific investigation, on the example of the journalistic heritage of S. Rusova, in particular – publications that corresponded to the essay genre in their form, several main historically important factors
were analyzed, which in one way or another influenced the author’s choice of a specific genre form for her works. It was found that such factors of influence could be the specific historical period of the author’s life and creative path, with certain socio-economic conditions that either facilitated or hindered his publishing activity, the presence and availability of various publishing platforms, with the financial support of which were printed and published materials, as well as the audience for which they are intended and their thematic direction.Key words:Sofia Rusova, publicistic works, genre forms, essays, influencing factors.
UDC 007 : 304 : 070
Essays of Sofia Rusova: Factors Influencing the Choice of Genre Form of Publications
Yevdokymenko Irina, PhD (Social Communications), Assistant,
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Educational and Scientific Institute of Journalism, 36/1, Yu.Illenka St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].
ORCID – During the entire period of her creative activity, S. Rusova published about 500 publications, which are quite diverse in their genre embodiment – from scientific monographs,
educational and methodological textbooks and manuals to literary and critical reviews, reviews, notes, articles, biographical, historicalethnographic and travel essays, etc.
Relevance of research. Analyzing the life and creative path of the educator, it can be seen that the author’s choice of genre form for her own publications often depended on several important
factors that significantly influenced this choice: the specific historical period of S. Rusova’s life, the publishing platforms with the financial support of which the works were published, the audience
for which the publishing product was intended; a topic that the author sought to raise in her publications. The purpose of scientific research is to find out how the factors outlined above influenced S.
Rusova’s choice of the genre form of the essay for her own publications. The object of the study was the journalistic heritage of S. Rusova, in particular, the works that corresponded to the essay genre in their form.
Research methods. The main method is comparative-historical, which is used to examine social and cultural phenomena in the context of the era (mid-19th – early 20th centuries), their
relationships with the history of the people, socio-political and economic life. The discursive method helped to determine the connections between a specific publication by S. Rusova and the
socio-political situation in the country in a certain historical period. The methods of information selection and its classification were used to select from the entire array of S. Rusova’s journalistic
heritage publications written in the essay genre and classify them according to intra-genre varieties – biographical (portrait), historical-ethnographic (problematic) and travel. A problem-thematic analysis of their content was also carried out. The methods of synthesis and generalization made it possible to draw conclusions and outline the prospects for research on a similar topic.
Conclusions. Having analyzed the creative heritage of S. Rusova, we can state that the author’s journalistic, and even more so, publishing activity is often directly related to the historical
and economic conditions of the time, the state of public opinion, the level of democratization of society, etc. If journalism can be influenced by emotional moments, mental state, appropriate
mood, then mostly economic factors contribute to or hinder the implementation of a publishing project. Under the conditions of strict censorship, which prevailed in Right-Bank Ukraine at that
time, the young, inexperienced author had to maneuver, searching for and choosing the optimal forms of presenting information. Such an “optimal form in the literary process of the 19th-20th
centuries. became essays.Key words: Sofia Rusova, publicistic works, genre forms, essays, influencing factors.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 24.09.2022
Title: | Structural features and communication potential of modern serials |
DOI: |
Zrazhevska Nina.
ISSN 2415-8496 |
Serials are the most important form of mass culture in the modern communicative space, which performs many functions, and first of all – the function of communication – the transmission and
perception of emotional reactions, cultural patterns, myths and stories that reproduce communication links in the modern socio-cultural environment. The article describes the structural and content elements of the television series, analyzes the special features and specifics of the construction of the series, reveals its specific communicative potential. The presented analysis made it possible to reveal the important sociocultural function of the series – to be an active relay of various messages, to form a communicative space, which in turn allows to stimulate the active participation of the viewer in assigning and forming relevant contents and messages.Key words: series, myth, formula, showrunner, procedural, cliffhanger, communication strategies, web-series.
UDC 007 : 316.776
Structural features and communication potential of modern serials
Zrazhevska Nina, D.Sc. (Social Communications), Professor,
Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, str. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].
ORCID – https: // /0000-0003-3382-8368.Introduction. The mythological structure of the series is determined by structural, semantic and symbolic elements embedded in the communicative process; they represent a kind of filter
that depends on all the formal and content components of the series, as well as the cultural field in which it functions. This allows the series to be an active translator of various messages, which, in
turn, requires the active participation of the viewer in assigning contents and messages.Relevance of research. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of the modern TV series as a communicative phenomenon in modern media culture. Based on the analysis of various
sources, we tried to describe the structure and identify different communicative strategies of modern serials, a specific serial paradigm that allows satisfying all categories of viewers.
The research methodology: we use interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the communication potential of modern TV series: cultural-historical, communication, structural and
cultural analysis.
Results and discussion. The study of TV series allows us to understand how communicative connections are recreated in the modern socio-cultural environment, what ideological tasks they
can fulfill and how they influence the formation of identity. In the series, we can find certain revelations about the norms and dominant ideas of a specific cultural-historical discourse, which in
their date allow us to reveal the closed elements of norming, subtexts and contexts, discrimination and inclusion, dominance and subordination, which are organically woven into the structure of
the series as a product of mass culture.
Conclusions and prospects. In the article, we found out that the increase in the influence and popularity of TV series as a specific cultural form of communication is related to their ability
to be an effective sphere of communication space. The communication potential of serials is determined by the structural and content elements, which proved to be capable of structuring
the everyday life and identity of a person. The description and analysis of the structural and content elements of the series made it possible to reveal the specific communicative potential of
the modern series – to be an active translator of various messages, to form a communicative space, which, in turn, requires the active participation of the viewer in assigning contents and messages.Key words: series, myth, formula, showrunner, procedural, cliffhanger, communication strategies, web-series.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 17.09.2022
Title: | Narratives of Polish-Ukrainian interaction in Polish documentaries |
DOI: |
Rosinska Olena
ISSN 2415-8496 |
The research aims at studying key narratives being transmitted in television documentaries in Ukraine and Poland in the context of displaying two peoples’ interaction in historical, cultural and social fields.
The television product elucidated the image of Ukraine and the Ukrainian for a Polish viewer became the material for analysis. The documentary series of «The Ukrainians» was demonstrated in Poland from
07.04.2022 and had to present the stories of the Ukrainians migrated to Poland at different times, to make them «visible» and understandable for the Polish society. The series heroes say about their reasons for migration and how they see their future. The film shows how the war came into their life. The key narratives are: narrative of searching for better life, narrative of challenging and succeeding;
narrative of a war and an enemy; narrative of common destiny of Ukrainians and Poles. Each of these narratives is built through a range of motives and images also elucidated in the research. It is seen a positive tendency showing perspective of easing certain historical-and-cultural opposition between the countries, the deepening of mutual understanding between the peoples, destruction of a stereotype concerning the Ukrainian migrant’s image only as an employee in the area of non-qualified work.Key words: television documentaries, narrative, media environment, social information.
UDC 007 : 81’38
Narratives of Polish-Ukrainian interaction in Polish documentaries
PhD (Philology), Associate Professor,
Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, str. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2, 04053, Kyiv, e-mail: [email protected].Introduction. The research aims at studying key narratives being transmitted in television documentaries in Ukraine and Poland in the context of displaying two peoples’ interaction
in historical, cultural and social fields. The television product elucidated the image of Ukraine and the Ukrainian for a Polish viewer became the material for analysis.Methods of research: content analysis as a systematic research technique of objective description of the existing content of communication in the media material, which was used at the stage of studying the general problematic direction of the documentary series; the method of analysis, comparison, and synthesis used in determining the typology of images and problems, narrative analysis as a way of evaluating existing mental attitudes that are realized through implemented narratives.
Results and discussions. The makers of «The Ukrainians» series tell about available failures to agree and problematic areas in the Polish-and-Ukrainian discourse. The editor-inchief
of TVP Dokument Tomasz Piechal says: «We wanted this series to become a possibility for everybody to learn each other better. It has been an important unfinished theme and
now, when the Russian aggression caused even more significant migration from Ukraine to Poland, it has become even more important. We have to begin becoming more familiar» [12]. Thus, the advance learning of this problem is topical as never before.Key words: television documentaries, narrative, media environment, social information.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 04.10.2022
Title: | Narrativization of news video content during the period of martial law (using the example of «Suspilne Sumy») |
DOI: |
Oksana Kyrylenko
ISSN 2415-8496 |
The article examines the narrativization of the news video content of «Suspilne Sumy» during the period of martial law. It is shown that the narrative discourse became the leading format in the specified period, as it enables the media to record war crimes through the stories of Ukrainian citizens who witnessed the events. It has been found that the narrative format is an immanent part of such genres as reportage and life story, and it gives media workers the opportunity, without violating the standards of journalism, to convey the atmosphere of events, and emotions, to get to know those people whose lives are worth the attention of the public. Video stories with narrative features have high rates of views on the «Suspilne Sumy» YouTube channel.
Key words: Narrativization, News video content, Reportage, Life story, «Suspilne Sumy».
UDC: 070:316.774:654.1:[7.038.541:355.48(477-651.2:470-651.1)»2022.02/…»
Narrativization of news video content during the period of martial law
(using the example of «Suspilne Sumy»)Kyrylenko Oksana, PhD student, Sumy State University, 2, Rymskoho-Korsakova St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].
ORCID – Since the first days of the war, Ukrainian journalists have become the ones who record russia’s crimes against Ukraine. This fixation happened and is happening primarily
through the stories of citizens who suffered from the actions of the russian occupiers, that is, through materials containing a narrative part. The period of martial law had a significant impact
on the format priorities of the Ukrainian media, and these changes require a detailed study and discussion. In particular, this applies to «Suspilne Sumy», which has become a flagship among
regional broadcasters, through which Ukraine and the world learned about what happened during the occupation of the Sumy region, and learn what is happening now.Relevance of the study. The study of the narrativization of the news video content of the «Suspilne Sumy» during the period of martial law is relevant, as the narrative discourse enables
the media to record war crimes through the stories of citizens.Methodology. The research used such methods as content analysis, descriptive method, methods of synthesis, and classification. In order to achieve the results, the materials of the
YouTube version of the «Suspilne Sumy» news releases in the period from 02.24.2022 to 10.20.2022 were watched.
Results. The analysis of the video content of «Suspilne Sumy» during the war period shows that the signs of narrative are recorded in most materials. This applies to such genres as reportage
and life story (narration from the first person). In stories with narrative elements, we observe a combination of factual material with artistic details, construction of a plot from scenes, telling
stories through the mouths of characters – from the first person, saturation with dialogues, and appeal to the emotional sphere. The viewer can make his own conclusions about the facts. In this
way, the mass media tries to attract attention, and create close emotional contact in the perception of materials and trust in the presented information, which, in turn, contributes to the growth of
authority and the expansion of the audience. The increased attention of viewers to materials with narrative features is proved by the fact that they show the highest rates of views on the YouTube
channel of «Suspilne Sumy».
Conclusions. We see a comparative analysis of the news video content of various «Suspilne Sumy» branches on the subject of the use of narrative, which will provide an opportunity to trace
trends in the use of this format of information presentation as promising areas of further research.Key words: Narrativization, News video content, Reportage, Life story, «Suspilne Sumy».
Стаття надійшла до редакції 03.10.2022
Title: | Visual Propaganda in «Perets» Magazine 1941-1991: The Image of the «Ukrainian Nationalist» in Terms Of Its Contexts And Personalities |
DOI: |
Rodyhin Kostiantyn
ISSN 2415-8496 |
The article continues the study of the visual image of the «Ukrainian nationalist» based on the cartoons of the «Perets’» magazine for 1941–1991. The propaganda typification of this character is considered in the context of accompanying «enemy images». The features of the representation of personalities in cartoons of «Ukrainian nationalists» have been defined. The scientific novelty of the work consists in highlighting previously unexplored aspects of the topic using quantitative methods. The most common companions of the character in question are «American imperialists», Nazis, counterrevolutionaries, and Zionists. Their dynamics of appearance are quite specific. The study of the personalities representation showed that the image of Stepan Bandera was less common than it was expected in view of his role in present-day Russian war narratives, which re-applied the old works of Soviet propaganda.
Key words: «Perets’» magazine, informational and semantic war, cartoon, enemy image, «Ukrainian bourgeois nationalist».
UDC [070:487+741.5]:94(477) «1941/1991»
Visual Propaganda in «Perets» Magazine 1941-1991:
The Image of the «Ukrainian Nationalist» in Terms Of Its Contexts And PersonalitiesRodyhin Kostiantyn, PhD (Philosophy), Senior Lecturer,
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, 21 600-richchia str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
ORCID – The propagandistic basis of the Russian war against Ukraine includes the narrative about so-called «Ukrainian nationalists» as an «enemy image» firmly identified with
«fascists» or «Nazis». This is likely a revival of Soviet propaganda inventions, so, a study of constructing a «Ukrainian nationalist» image in Soviet propaganda gains relevance. This article
continues the study of this image in cartoons of Soviet Ukrainian satiric magazine «Perets’» («The Pepper») in 1941–1991.
The article aims to develop the coverage of the topic of propagandistic typification of the «Ukrainian nationalist» visual image as an «enemy image» in terms of its contexts and
personalities in «Perets’» cartoons.
Methodology. The methodology continues the principles of our earlier work. The methods of research include observation, content analysis, generalization, comparison, quantification, and
data visualization.
Results. The most common companions of the «Ukrainian nationalist» character in the «Perets’» Soviet-era cartoons are 1) «American imperialists», 2) Nazis, 3) counterrevolutionaries,
and 4) Zionists. If the first two categories were represented steadily for decades, as the versions of «the main enemy», then the third had been slowly decreasing, and the fourth one – on the contrary,
sharply gaining popularity in the 1970s. The motif of «brotherhood of Zionists and Ukrainian nationalists» appears as a prototype of some concepts in the present-day Russian-Ukrainian semantic war.
The modern Russian narrative about «Ukrainian nationalists» identifying them with the Nazis and the Americans at the same time, revives the old developments of Soviet propaganda. The results of the study of cartoons in terms of the representation of personalities are somewhat unexpected: in particular, the image of Stepan Bandera turned out to be less common than it was expected in view of his role in present-day Russian war narratives. Personified images of «Ukrainian nationalists» do not make up the vast majority of the materials in question. However, they provide interesting information about which persons and with what priorities attention was paid during the satirical and ideological processing of «enemy images».
Conclusions. The significance of the article lies in the further consideration of an insufficiently researched topic using a quantitative approach. Promising areas of further research are
the discovery of the methods of associating some «enemy images» with the «fascist/Nazi» image in Soviet and modern Russian propaganda; study of the novel ideological myths and their representation
in the media; retrospective study of the genesis of propagandistic mythologems of the Russian-Ukrainian war.Key words: «Perets’» magazine, informational and semantic war, cartoon, enemy image, «Ukrainian bourgeois nationalist».
Стаття надійшла до редакції 05.10.2022
Title: | Demonic images in modern ukrainian advertising |
DOI: |
Kravchenko Olena, Manych Nataliia, Fiedotova Nataliia.
ISSN 2415-8496 |
The purpose of the article is to investigate the use of demonic images in modern Ukrainian advertising, to outline the evolution of advertising characters representing the lower mythology in accordance with society’s requests for national self-identification. The relevance of the research lies in tracing the transformation of demonic images in Ukrainian advertising from purely traditional to hyperbolized attractive representatives of Ukrainian nation. The article traces the change in perception of demonic characters from time of early proto-advertisement to the present day, namely: the gradual «recoding» of the negative demon’s image and the construction of its positive image, the adoption of the globalization trend in the field of advertising by national advertisers, the introduction of demons, traditional for the Slavic mythological worldview, into the national advertising space and giving them the image of their land’s defenders, which is not characteristic of folklore, against the background of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Key words: modern Ukrainian advertising, lower mythology, demonic image, evolution of the advertising character, national identification.
UDC 7.046.1:659.1(477)»2002/2022»:37.01
Demonic images in modern ukrainian advertising
Kravchenko Olena, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, e-mail: [email protected],
Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, ave. Holosiivskyi, 68, Kyiv, 03040, Ukraine.
ORCID – https: // /0000-0002-5603-2269
Manych Nataliia, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, e-mail: [email protected],
ORCID – https: // /0000-0002-2488-5523
Fiedotova Nataliia, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, e-mail: [email protected],
ORCID – https: // /0000-0002-1338-2760
National University of Food Technologies, St. Volodymyrska, 68, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine.Introduction. Modern advertising reflects the cultural and historical processes taking place in Ukrainian society, in particular the establishment of the national identity of Ukrainians, which
peaked in 2014 – the beginning of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine. Dissociation from foreign cultural traditions led to the appearance of Ukrainian demonic images in advertising – a
mavka, a woodcutter, a chugaister, etc. The emotional upheaval of Ukrainians with the start of active hostilities in 2022 led to the transformation of the characters of lower mythology, who
acquired the positive characteristics of Ukrainian land’s defenders. Relevance of the study. The evolution of demonic images in modern Ukrainian advertising from purely traditional to hyperbolically attractive representatives of the Ukrainian nation, the study of personified spirits of nature as a mechanism for popularizing traditional Ukrainian values appears to us to be relevant and in need of academic attention. The purpose of the article is to investigate the use of demonic images in modern Ukrainian advertising, to outline the evolution of advertising characters representing lower mythology in accordance with society’s requests for ethnic self-identification.
Methodology. The article uses general scientific methods of generalization, comparison, systematization, the structural-semiotic approach at the semantic and pragmatic levels, and the hermeneutic approach. The analysis was conducted using visual methods, in particular, iconological interpretation, linguosemiotic analysis, descriptive method. The study of mythological images in relation to their modern embodiment was carried out with the help of the cultural method, namely, the method of problematization of empirical material, comparison of basic images of demons with modern visual interpretations.
Results. Ukrainian advertisers adopted the globalization trend of changing the semantic content of the demonic image from negative to positive, attributive demonologizing of advertising
characters, whose mystical essence does not cause disgust, since their negative influence is directed at the advertised product. With the beginning of the Russian aggression in Ukraine,
representatives of Ukrainian lower mythology appear in advertising, which illustrates the radical changes in society as the formation of national identification, group psychological integrity, the
formation of a national model of Ukrainian society.
Conclusions. Mythological characters in modern Ukrainian advertising have acquired positive features as a response to the fight against new evil forces in the form of Russian invaders. Demonic images, traditional for the Ukrainian worldview, appear as representatives of their land, who have magical power and are able to protect their own territory, Ukrainian cultural traditions from destruction. This indicates a change in narratives in Ukrainian advertising: it gradually becomes a translator of national values, a powerful mechanism of patriotic education.Key words: modern Ukrainian advertising, lower mythology, demonic image, evolution of the advertising character, national identification.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 30.10.2022
Title: | The algorithm for detection of unreliable news sources and rumors in Telegram channels |
DOI: |
Steblyna Nataliia
ISSN 2415-8496 |
Nowadays it is very important to monitor the quality of the content distributed in Telegram channels, in particular, compliance with the reliability standard – the presence of clear references to verified sources. The purpose of the study is to develop a semi-automated method of analyzing the posts of the most popular regional Telegram channels to identify unreliable news sources and rumors. On the material of one of the most popular regional telegram channels of Odesa, «Odessa Info», the application of the algorithm for detecting unreliable links and rumors was demonstrated. To obtain the results, the method of analyzing the posts of Telegram channels for compliance with journalistic standards was used. As a result, it was found that in most cases (42.6%) posts from readers or rumors are not checked by the Telegram channel. Only 11.9% had a clear reference to an official source, media or expert.
Key words: sources of information, professional standards of journalism, Telegram channels.
UDC 070: 82-92
The algorithm for detection of unreliable news sources and rumors in Telegram channels
Steblyna Nataliia, D.Sc. (Political Science), Professor,
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, 600-richchya str., 21, Vinnytsa, 21021, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].
ORCID – https: // /0000-0001-9799-9786.Introduction. Since February 24, the day of the full-scale invasion, Telegram channels have become extremely popular in Ukraine. At the same time, Russian propagandists continued to use this social network to spread disinformation and sow panic.
Relevance and purpose. Nowadays, it is very important to monitor the quality of the content distributed in Telegram, in particular, compliance with the reliability standard – the presence of clear references to verified sources. The purpose of the study is to develop a semi-automated method of analyzing the posts of the most popular regional Telegram channels to identify unreliable links and rumors. On the material of one of the most popular regional telegram channels of Odesa, «Odessa Info», the application of the algorithm for detecting unreliable news sources and rumors was demonstrated.
Methodology. To obtain the results, the method of analyzing the posts of Telegram channels for compliance with journalistic standards was used. The research combined automated data processing (searching for violations of the standard by keywords) and manual (analyzing the found posts by the researcher).
Results. As a result, it was found that for July-September 2022, keywords indicating the use of information from readers, unreliable links and rumors were contained in 11.3% of posts. The majority of messages that contained the keywords (42.6%) are not checked by the Telegram channel in any way. Only in 11.9% it was professional journalistic work – that is, a clear reference either to an official source (operational command, police, president), or to a quality mass media, an expert, etc.
Conclusions. Thus, in the vast majority of cases, the information provided by the Telegram channel is of poor quality. Content coming from readers, or rumors and speculation, in the vast majority of cases is either not verified, or is verified in violation of the methods of professional journalism.
Key words: sources of information, professional standards of journalism, Telegram channels.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 04.10.2022
Title: | Raising Awareness Mechanism of the Literary Competition |
DOI: |
Osmolovska Olena
ISSN 2415-8496 |
The article considers the organizational features and stages of implementation of the unique in Ukraine Dmytro Ruzhevych Inclusive Literary Competition for Children and Youth. A comparative analysis of the success indicators of the competition for the years 2020 and 2021. Based on empirical observations and information monitoring, elements of the mechanism of raising awareness of the competition were formulated, a recommendations (guidelines) were made to use such a mechanism to implement the information campaign «Ukraine without Barriers», implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. The fact of legal unregulation of the term «raising awareness» is determined. This study allowed to identify and formulate the mechanism of raising awareness of the Dmytro Ruzhevych Inclusive Literary Competition for Children and Youth as a highly effective synergy of key elements: competition status, broad professional jury, division of participants into age groups, guidelines for participation, real motivational story, educational environment as practical tool, information campaign on two levels: national and local, genre of competition works, publication of electronic collection of competition works. The purpose of the research is to study the raising awareness functionality and potential of the Dmytro Ruzhevych Inclusive Literary Competition for Children and Youth.
Key words: literature, competition, inclusion, raising awareness, reading.
UDC 028.01:[37.091.27:82]
Raising Awareness Mechanism of the Literary Competition
Osmolovska Olena, PhD (history), Associate Professor,
Boris Grinchenko Kyiv University, str. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2, Kyiv, 04053, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].
ORCID – The inclusive literary competition for children and youth is considered as effective raising awareness mechanism. The use of such mechanisms is especially actual in the context of the implementation of state policy in the field of inclusion.
Relevance of the study. The purpose of the research is to study the raising awareness functionality and potential of the Dmytro Ruzhevych Inclusive Literary Competition for Children and Youth.
Methodology. The research methods were: the empirical method in the part of scientific observation of the implementation of the inclusive literary competition, the analysis as the main method of studying regulatory documents, the method of comparative analysis in the context of researching the results of the competition and the generalization method for preparing the summary and conclusions of this article.
Results. The Dmytro Ruzhevych Inclusive Literary Competition for Children and Youth is a unique event today. We studied and analyzed the conditions of participation in the competition and other organizational principles. The raising awareness function of literary competitions has not been sufficiently researched, which absolutely does not meet the modern challenges and demands of society. Research and analysis of all stages of the competition during its two years of existence allowed to systematize the results and formulate an effective raising awareness mechanism that can be applied in the organization of other literary competitions, especially inclusive. It is proposed to use the raising awareness mechanism of the inclusive literary competition for the implementation of the information campaign “Ukraine without barriers”, implemented by the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine. Monitoring of the legislative framework allows us to state that today the definition of raising awareness has not yet been settled in the legal field. This is a risk factor in the context of the spread of blogging culture and various forms of informal education.
Conclusions. Therefore, raising awareness mechanism of the Dmytro Ruzhevich Inclusive Literary Competition for Children and Youth is determined as a highly effective synergy of the main elements: the status of the competition, a professional jury, the distribution of participants into age groups, methodological recommendations for participation, a real motivational story, an educational environment as a practical tool, information campaign on two levels – national and local, genre of competitive works, publication of an electronic collection of works. The fact that the term «raising awareness» is not legally regulated and there is a complete lack of scientific research on the raising awareness functionality of inclusive literary competitions indicates a high research potential and should stimulate the scientific interest.
Key words: literature, competition, inclusion, raising awareness, reading.
Стаття надійшла до редакції 12.09.2022