Original scientific articles in Ukrainian, English, German, Polish and French are accepted. Articles must fully correspond to the Manuscript Template. Articles written in foreign languages are printed in the first place.
Full paper is 0.5-1 of author’s sheet (20-40 thousand characters including spaces), not taking into account references. A short paper is 0.2-0.4 of author’s sheet.
All manuscripts are peer-reviewed prior to publication.
Manuscripts recommended for publication are proof-read and edited according to publishing format and manuscript templates of the journal.
Articles, written by students are published only in co-authorship with scientific supervisor.
Title: should contain 5-9 words; reflect the content of the manuscript and the essence of research problem. Articles titles starting in the following way: “Investigation of the issue …”, “Some problems of …”, “Revisiting …”, “Problems of …”, “Ways of …” etc. should be avoided, as they do not reflect the problem essence.
Authorship: author’s surname and name, scientific degree, academic rank, affiliation and institution address are given in the source language of article.
Abstract: (written in the source language of article) is typed below heading with one additional space. The aim, main results and conclusions of the study are briefly outlined. The abstract should be 600-900 characters including spaces, 3-5keywords. The article body is placed below abstract with one additional space. Structural components of the article are typed in bold.
Introduction: problem statement; rationale; article connection with important scientific and practical tasks; sources review and analysis of recent research and publications, which initiated the problem solution and on which the author relies; previously not studied parts of the main problem; novelty; aim and objectives of the article. The introduction should contain about 3000 characters.
Research methods: point out methods used for research and how they were used. Research mechanism should be presented to show how the results were obtained.
Results and discussion: main material of research is given including complete grounding of obtained scientific results.
Conclusions and perspectives of further study: they must meet the requirements of specialized publications; approximately 2000 characters including spaces.
Acknowledgments (if necessary): brief thanks to institutions or researchers who assisted in preparing of this publication.
References are typed below article body with one additional space. It should contain at least 10 sources. It is typed according to citation or alphabet order, a new source is typed as a new paragraph. Full description of source is given according to ДСТУ 8302:2015 (State Standards of Ukraine, USSR State Standard Specification 7.1:2006). References must be in two versions: 1) in the source language; 2) the same list, but in Latin.
English: UDC, article title, author’s surname and name, scientific degree, academic rank, affiliation, institution address, e-mail, abstract (600-900 characters), keywords. Abstract translation in English must be authentic (not computer-aided translation) (in case of translation problems, the editorial board can assist in solving them).
Submission date is given at the end of article.
References in Latin should be given separately, reduplicating references in national language, regardless of foreign sources in it. If there are links to foreign publications in the list, they are completely reduplicated in references given in Latin.
The list of literary sources in Latin (REFERENCES) completely corresponds to the list of literary sources in source language (ЛІТЕРАТУРА). Such translation elements can be distinguished:
- author’s surname and initials;
- article title;
- book title;
- periodical title, where article is published;
- publishing house and also ownership form;
- city;
- conference;
- explanatory words, word combinations and abbreviations.
The official website of Emerald Group Publishing (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/guides/write/harvard.htm?part=2) contains detailed recommendations how to form references according to Harvard reference system for almost all types of publications, as well as software to form them. To transliterate Cyrillic texts, you can use the site http://www.translit.ru. It is recommended to use the US State Department system (BSI) among all proposed options for transliteration. The soft sign and apostrophe in Latin are not rendered. APA citation style (http://www.apastyle.org/) is desirable to use for English references. The information must be transliterated according to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution No. 55, dated January 27, 2010 (http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/55-2010-%D0%BF) (for Ukrainian) or according to the requirements of BGN / PCGN (for Russian).