Issue 1 (33) ’ 20120

Issue 1 (33) ’ 2020

Obraz. – Vol. 1 (33). – 2020



Title: Thematic direction of travel media


Shevchenko Viktoriya, Malysh Nataliia

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 6–20

  • The article categorizes travel media, describes their features, outlines the tools of communication of media resources related to tourism development, and substantiates the impact of travel journalism on the cultural development of the nation. The purpose of the article is to classify travel media and identify thematic, trends in the formation and development of tourism journalism in Ukraine. Thematic blocks of travel media that influence the formation of cultural consciousness of Ukrainian citizens with the use of content analysis and statistical research methods are identified. The analysis of more than 50 Ukrainian tourist media made it possible to distinguish the following topics: country studies, tips, lifestyle, art, nature and ecology, iconic figures, tourist infrastructure, marketing and trends, tourism development.

    Key words: tourist journalism, tourist media, media topics, tourist company, state strategy.

  • UDC 007 : 070(477) : 796.5 : 316.258(043.5)

    Thematic direction of travel media

    Shevchenko Viktoriya, D.Sc. (Social Communications),
    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Institute of Journalism, 36/1, Yu. Illenko St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –
    Malysh Nataliia, D.Sc. (Public Administration), Prof.,
    National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, 2 Skovoroda St., Kyiv, 04070, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –

    Introduction. Travel journalism – a direction in journalism and a field of practical activity that produces travel information, aims to encourage people to travel, explore new countries, learn more about life and famous people, their lives, study ethnography, history, literature, architecture, trace the intergenerational connection, political system and its influence on evolution.
    The purpose of the article is to study the topics, trends in the formation and development of tourism journalism in Ukraine as a factor influencing the cultural development of the nation.
    Quantitative and qualitative methods were used for the research, in particular, content analysis, statistical methods based on grouping of tourist media on 9 topics: local lore, art, lifestyle, figures, nature, and ecology, tips, marketing and trends, tourist infrastructure, tourism development.
    Results. It is shown that the activity of the tourism industry in Ukraine is determined by the Development Strategy, and the media market is represented by specialized tourism publications belonging to the spheres of both journalism and tourism business, and media that are focused on tourists. The most popular topic covered in all media is tourism infrastructure. All media, except professional ones, tell about the history and geography of the country, cultural monuments, architecture, interesting places, photos, and videos of impressive landscapes and amazing buildings. Topics about people’s lives, social priorities, crafts and professions, national communities, traditions, folklore, and ethnography, as well as advice on travel, emergency actions, trends in tourism, and various statistics, infographics are considered at a fairly high level.
    It is determined that professional magazines have priority in the topics of marketing, infrastructure, and development of the tourism industry. Lifestyles and tips are most important for TV shows and blogs. The topics of country studies, ecology, and advice predominate in user magazines, websites, and TV shows. On-board media cover all topics. Blogs are highly specialized, as they tell about the tourist route of travel or give advice on choosing hotels, planes, etc.
    Conclusions. Tourist journalism is aimed at the cultural development of the nation, self-development of a particular person, and provides dissemination of information about tourist resources of Ukraine in the world information space.

    Key words: tourist journalism, tourist media, media topics, tourist company, state strategy.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 05.01.2020

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Title: The personal dimension of the war in the Chronicles by Stanislav Aseyev


Nasminchuk Iryna

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 21–29

  • The author of the article analyzes the collection of journalistic articles by S. Aseeyv «In isolation», which attests to a purely personal experience of understanding the war. The relation in the texts of objective information and subjective impressions is considered. Reports, essays, reflections by S. Aseyev are analyzed in the context of time and life of the author. The journalistic work by S. Aseyev – the movement from fixation of the seen and experienced to the understanding of present and future of Ukraine in different coordinate systems – is the basis of modern perception of events in the occupied Donbass. In a substantive aspect, the collection can rule as an illustration of the tendency of intellectualization of the journalistic text by penetrating into the spheres of philosophy, psychology, and associativity. It is proved that the strategy of organizing journalistic text is an organic combination of autobiographical, documentary and essayistic discourses.

    Key words:  S. Aseyev, journalism, chronological sequence, reportage, essay, «leftover», identity, war.

  • UDC 007 : 070 : 821.161.2 – 92.09

    The personal dimension of the war in the Chronicles by Stanislav Aseyev

    Nasminchuk Iryna, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor,

    Kamianets-Podilskyi Ivan Ohiienko National University, 61, Ohiienko Str., Kamianets-Podilskyi, 32302, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID –

    Introduction. S. Aseyev’s journalism is only fragmentarily present in the modern communication space. In the context of the hybrid war, the study and propaganda of the experience of a professional journalist who wrote from Donetsk is of particular relevance.

    The methology. Observation, analysis and generalization. Given that journalism is on the verge of journalism and literature, a methodology that combines literary and social communication approaches seems appropriate. The analysis of a journalistic work as a multi-level recipient-oriented structure requires the application of a methodology of receptive poetics. Biographical elements are required to identify sources of journalism.

    Results. All journalism by Aseyev has a practical-activity, practical-applied sense. The author seeks to orient himself and give clear guidelines to his country to defend national, ethnic, material, intellectual interests in the extremely difficult situation of hybrid war. It not only warns, but also outlines the specific steps that need to be taken to stabilize and change the situation.

    He succeeded in establishing causality between events and the response to them by power structures, to justify a painful awareness of the very fact of the war, to characterize events through the optics of the philosophy and psychology of the «leftover». The occupation of the occupied Donetsk was revealed through the opposition of «own/foreign», «war/peace», «we/ they», «life/death».

    Conclusions. The novelty of the work is due to the lack of research by S. Aseyev’s journalism and its importance in the modern communication space. The results and conclusions of the article are important for forming a holistic view of the role and importance of journalistic genres in the context of the globalization challenges of the present.

    Key words:  S. Aseyev, journalism, chronological sequence, reportage, essay, «leftover», identity, war.

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Title: The phenomenon of photo fakes and a problem of manipulating a context of a photograph in an information and semantic warfare


Rodyhin Kostiantyn

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 30–41

  • The article deals with the analysis of the photo fakes phenomenon in contemporary informational space as well as the principles of their fabrication, spreading, and influence on audience. The examples illustrating a practice of changing and counterfeiting a context of photographic image are discussed in historical dimension as well as on the basis of Russia’s information and semantic warfare against Ukraine in 2014 – 2020. The causes of stable existence of such manipulations and their rebuttal resistance are shown.

    Key words: information and semantic warfare, manipulations, propaganda, fake, photography.

  • UDC 070 : 327.88 : 355.01-025.26

    The phenomenon of photo fakes and a problem of manipulating a context of a photograph in an information and semantic warfare

    Rodyhin Kostiantyn, PhD (Philosophy), Assoc. prof.,

    Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, 21 600-richchia str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]

    ORCID –

    Introduction. The essence of photography means not only documentary potential but also manipulative one. The spatiotemporal discreteness of photography determines its «atomic» nature and the element of mystery, which calls for the work of the imagination, attempts of deciphering, deducing, and searching for context. The very combination of visual and verbal languages, an image and a context, is a vulnerable part of this continuum, where it is possible to change meanings. A true photo can be dishonest in isolation from the context, and the accuracy of the photo does not guarantee the truthfulness of the situation displaying. The method of substituting the context of an image is the basis of the phenomenon of photo fakes common in modern media and the Internet.

    In this paper, such kind of manipulations is referred as «photo fake». Nowadays, photo fakes have become an effective weapon of information and semantic warfare.

    The research methodology is based on a systematic approach, general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis; the work is based on Heorhii Pocheptsov’s concept of information and semantic warfare, as well as Susan Sontag’s theoretical research on the philosophy of photography.

    Results. The study of the problem shows that the history of photo fakes dates back to the invention of photography. Since then, this technology has penetrated the media and is still used to promote false information and manipulative meanings through emotional impact on the audience. A common method of photo fakes means appealing to the image of children. During the Russian-Ukrainian war, information and semantic manipulations of photo content became widespread. The typical methods of such manipulations are: appeals to the images of «Donbas children» and «Ukrainian Fascist punishers»; false attribution of true photographs on a geographical and chronological basis; tendentious interpretation of photographs, supported by precise intervention in the image integrity; the use of frames from feature films about the Second World War as alleged documentary photos of current events in Ukraine. Attempts of Ukraine’s «mirror response» to these attacks are sporadic and appear to be a losing strategy.

    Conclusions. The reasons for the mass spreading and stability of the photo fakes phenomenon in the media space are: growing technical accessibility of their creation and replication in the digital era; the effects of social media bubbles; the trends of semantic warfare, in which imaginative senses are more important and real than facts. Therefore, refutation of specific episodes of misinformation is ineffective against the already established senses and narratives laid down at the deep level. This paper can be the basis for further research of visual media content manipulation within semantic warfare, as well as development of fact-checking and anti-propaganda topics in the contemporary Ukrainian media space.

    Key words: information and semantic warfare, manipulations, propaganda, fake, photography.

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Title: Implementation of media practices in the work of libraries for children and youth


Polishchuk Tetiana, Kravchuk Oleksandra

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 42–50

  • The relevance of the study is due to the expansion of the media space of Ukrainian libraries for children and youth and the use of media practices on their pages in social networks. The aim is to study and compare the applied media practices by domestic libraries for children and youth, to consider new forms of work with the use of media content by libraries for young people and to illustrate their attractiveness to the user. To solve the tasks, the method of analysis of library content in new media, methods of comparison, generalization and sociocommunication were used. The presence of libraries in new media attracts the attention of young people, and information and communication technologies become intermediaries between the book collection and the user. An important component of the attractiveness of the library’s page in social networks is not only the expansion of new channels of communication, but also the creation of the author’s media content.

    Key words:  library communication, media practices, media space, social networks, hashtag.

  • UDC 007 : 304 : 02 : 027.625 : 004.7

    Implementation of media practices in the work of libraries for children and youth

    Polishchuk Tetiana, Senior Lecturer,

    e-mail: [email protected],
    ORCID –;

    Kravchuk Oleksandra, student,

    e-mail: [email protected],
    ORCID – Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Institute of Journalism, 13b Marshala Tymoshenka Str, Kyiv, 04212, Ukraine.

    Introduction. Today, libraries need not only to be present on social media but also to stay online, to be able to track, comprehend and analyze information. The issue of developing one’s own pages in new media and developing content to attract readers is becoming relevant. Therefore, it is quality content that takes libraries for children and youth to another level of communication with young people.

    Relevance and aim. It is important to expand their own media environment by Ukrainian libraries for children and youth, mastering media practices with their subsequent use on the pages of book collections on social networks. The aim is to analyze the use of modern media practices by libraries for children and youth, to study the media content they offer to the user and to identify attractive forms of information presentation by libraries in social media.

    Methods. Research methods are conditioned by the tasks and require the involvement of elementary theoretical analysis, synthesis and sociocommunication. Selected and analyzed scientific papers with related topics. In the course of researching the activities of Ukrainian book collections for children and youth, we conducted a survey of employees, analyzed their pages on social networks, topics of publications, number of readers, frequency of posts, content and methods of attracting new users.

    Results. In the course of the research we found the effectiveness of the library’s presence in new media depending on the purpose and tasks of the book collection itself, its desire for open online communication with the user. It is determined that the popularity of pages in social media and the growth of the number of readers is influenced by both the creation of your own, interesting content and the frequency of updating messages. Active use of new media in their work provides an opportunity not only to inform about their activities, to promote books, to involve young people in libraries.

    Key words:  library communication, media practices, media space, social networks, hashtag.

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Title: Visual content of local online journalism: contemporary trends and issues


Havryliuk Inna

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 51–56

  • The article examines the visual content of Sumy online media. The peculiarities of development and problem areas of the visual component in local internet publications are determined. It is found out that in general Sumy online media are focused on the global trend, which consists in strengthening visual communication, understanding its role. Despite this, the visual «language» of Sumy online publications is not distinguished by diversity. It is emphasized that local media mostly use a standard set of visual communication tools. The proposed visual content is mostly not distinguished by its uniqueness, exclusivity.

    Key words: visualization, online media, infographics, videos, photos, pictures.

  • UDC: 007 : 316.77 : 004.7/.9 : 070

    Visual content of local online journalism: contemporary trends and issues

    Havryliuk Inna, PhD (Social Communications),
    Sumy State University, 2, Rymsky-Korsakov St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine, е-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –

    Introduction. The Ukrainian socio-communicative discourse presents a significant number of investigations, which examine the visual practices of different types of media. However, there are almost no works where the visual component of local internet publications is considered. This determines the relevance of our research. The aim is to investigate the trends in the visual content functioning presented in Sumy online media.

    Methodology. It is based on a systematic approach that allowed us to identify trends concerning the peculiarities of the visual content of Sumy online media. At different stages of the study, we used such methods as analysis of scientific literature, content analysis, statistical method, etc.

    Results. Analysis of visual content presented in Sumy online media showed that in general, publications are trying to follow the general trend, which is to strengthen the visual component. Only a small proportion of internet publications do not pay much attention to visual language. One local edition has a clear strategy for producing visual content among the online media we have examined. Visual content presented in Sumy online media, despite the general tendency to strengthen it, is not distinguished by diversity, it is monotonous. The largest share is photo images. Usually, they are not marked by quality, limited by the amount of use, the principles of placement. Sumy online media also use such visual elements as videos, pictures, infographics, graphic standards, more seldom they use screenshots and scan copies. Gradually, local online media are also mastering new visual elements, which are related to I-frames – embedded texts of posts from social networks. The problem area defines the frequent use of non-unique visual content by online publications. This is especially true for videos, pictures, infographics, graphical standards, partially photos.

    Conclusions. Local online media should clearly understand that the level of their competitiveness entirely depends on many factors, one of which is the strengthening and diversification of the visual component. The raised problem is the first step in resolving this issue. We consider the development of recommendations for editorial boards, focusing the attention of media students on the outlined issue and making them develop a clear understanding of the importance of visual communication.

    Key words: visualization, online media, infographics, videos, photos, pictures.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 01.09.2020

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Title: History of the Ukrainian party press in the periodicals (first half of the XX century)


Georgiievska Viktoriia

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 57–62

  • The article deals on the peculiarities of covering the history of some Ukrainian parties that were founded in Naddniprianska Ukraine in the early XXth century, in particular the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party (RUP) and the Ukrainian Social Democratic Worker’s Party (USDRP). The object of the study was the Parisian magazine «Tryzub / Trident», which paid special attention to the history of the formation of the RUP and the celebration of the thirty-year activity of this party. The following main methods were used, such as monitoring of bibliographic, historical and historical-journalistic sources, press clipping of individual publications (magazine «Tryzub / Trident»). Description, analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization made it possible to trace the stages of formation of the RUP (1900), its transformation into the USDRP (1905), to determine the main figures in the political processes of defending national and state interests of the first decades of the twentieth century.

    Key words: party press, Parisian magazine «Tryzub/Trident», Revolutionary Ukrainian Party, Ukrainian Social Democratic Worker’s Party, topics of publications.

  • UDС 007:304:070

    History of the Ukrainian party press in the periodicals (first half of the XX century)

    Georgiievska Viktoriia, D.Sc. (Social Communications),
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, 13 B, Marshala Tymoshenka St., Kyiv, 04212, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID iD

    The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of covering the history of some Ukrainian parties that were founded in Naddniprianska Ukraine in the early XXth century, in particular the Revolutionary Ukrainian Party (RUP) and the Ukrainian Social Democratic Worker’s Party (USDRP).

    Methods. The following main methods were used, such as monitoring of bibliographic, historical and historical-journalistic sources, press clipping of individual publications (magazine «Tryzub / Trident»). Description, analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization made it possible to trace the stages of formation of the RUP (1900), its transformation into the USDRP (1905), to determine the main figures in the political processes of defending national and state interests of the first decades of the twentieth century.

    Results and conclusions. The object of the study was the Parisian magazine «Tryzub / Trident», which paid special attention to the history of the formation of the RUP and the celebration of the thirty-year activity of this party. During February-March 1930, the weekly published 4 publications dedicated to the anniversary of the RUP, including an article on February 9, a report and a message. An article by former party activist I. Rudychev concerned the establishment of the RUP and its prominent figures (D. Antonovych, M. Rusov, D. Kaminsky, etc.) as well as veterans of the party (S. Petliura, V. Vynnychenko, V. Sadovsky, D. Doroshenko, D. Dontsov and others). Important were the ideas of the RUP–USDRP about the independence of the Ukrainian state, gaining its sovereignty. This national liberation platform was supported by Ukrainian emigration in the first half of the twentieth century.

    Key words: party press, Parisian magazine «Tryzub/Trident», Revolutionary Ukrainian Party, Ukrainian Social Democratic Worker’s Party, topics of publications.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 15.07.2020

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Title: Design and development children’s cross-tv


Leontieva Tetiana

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 64–72

  • The phenomenon of children’s cross-television is analyzed. It is alleged that cross-television uses Internet platforms to introduce content – in this case, children’s. It is emphasized that the communication capabilities of modern Internet platforms can turn the content of traditional children’s television into the attractive game or educational content that will interest the child primarily because it contains an interesting form of teaching useful content. The essence and features of the presentation of television technologies for children, as well as the positive and negative consequences of the use of cross-TV content by children’s audience, are analyzed.

    Key words: child, convergence, content, Internet, television.

  • UDC 007 : 304 : 659.3

    Design and development children’s cross-tv

    Leontieva Tetiana, assistant,
    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Institute of Journalism, 36/1, Yu. Illenko St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]

    Introduction. The impact of television on children is perceived by the audience as a one-sided process in which children are considered vulnerable victims. But it is worth paying attention to the greater complexity of children’s television: children’s attention is reactive, and that is why attention is controlled only by the most external elements of the media, to which children respond. This approach assumes that the direction of influence comes from television content to children’s understanding of this content. The child was considered a passive viewer – and hence her motivation to watch TV precisely because of the attractive nature of television as an audiovisual medium.
    The relevance of the study. We need to find out that attitudes towards children as passive recipients of television have changed with the advent of the constructivist (cognitive) approach to the media – since the 1960s when the so-called cognitive-communication revolutions took place and the paradigm of behavioural psychology was no longer based solely on revision. TV programs. Children’s audiences became active creators not of pictures but of meanings; journalists and managers began to use such scenarios, which were a set of plans and expectations created in connection with the media experience.
    The purpose of the article is to find out how much cross-television affects the concentration of the children’s audience.
    Results. It has been found that modern television, as a representative of cross-platforms, offers the placement of ether content on the Internet. Cross-TV performs its function as a public broadcaster: journalists and the management of cross-TV are as close as possible to children-viewers as an active audience. We came to the conclusion that children’s cross-television interprets its role depending on its perception by the children’s audience – and not only by age but also by the experience of children’s viewers. Cross-TV plays an important role in children’s lives, it also largely depends on parents, because they determine what content and for how long children should consume.
    The results of the article can be a test of the communication expectations of the children themselves, a measurement of the real realization of their abilities in terms of the ability to learn and get an education. An interesting and effective method can be to experiment with the educational functions of online games, which will help to understand the impact of Internet communications on children.

    Key words: child, convergence, content, Internet, television.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 18.05.2020 р.

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Title: Uncompromising Patriot and Citizen Oleksandra Chernova-Zhyvotko


Sydorenko Natalya, Dubetska Oksana

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 73–79

  • The article examines journalistic activities of Oleksandra Chernova-Zhyvotko in emigration, clarifies the topic of her publications in the Ukrainian periodicals of Poland, USA, Canada and other countries. The object of the study is primarily monthly journal «Vilna Ukraina / Free Ukraine» (Detroit, New York, USA, 1954–1972) and some other periodicals. Methods of monitoring, press clipping, comparison and generalization are used.
    As an active author of the journal «Vilna Ukraina / Free Ukraine», O. Chernova-Zhyvotko mostly published the articles related to the world or Ukrainian women’s movement, the achievements of Ukrainian women in the political, literary and social fields.

    Key words: Ukrainian press, publicism, literary critic, women’s movement.

  • UDC 007:304:070

    Uncompromising Patriot and Citizen Oleksandra Chernova-Zhyvotko

    Sydorenko Natalya, D. Sc. (Philology), Professor,
    Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the Institute of Journalism, 36/1, Yu. Illenko St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –

    Dubetska Oksana, PhD (Social Communications),
    M. Dragomanov National Pedagogical University, 8/14, Turgenevska St., Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID –

    The aim of the study is to examine journalistic activities of Oleksandra Chernova-Zhyvotko in emigration, to clarify the topic of her publications in the Ukrainian periodicals of Poland, USA, Canada and other countries. The object of the study is primarily monthly journal «Vilna Ukraina / Free Ukraine» (Detroit, New York, USA, 1954–1972) and some other periodicals abroad.
    Methods. Methods of monitoring of internet resources (searching for bibliographic works and memoirs about O. Chernova-Zhyvotko and her publications), press clipping (to select her articles in monthly «Vilna Ukraina / Free Ukraine»), as well as thematic press clipping, comparison and generalization are used.
    Results and conclusions. Writer and teacher О. Chernova-Zhyvotko was published in the magazine «Vira i Kultura / Faith and Culture» (Poland, Canada), newspaper «Nedilia / Week» (Germany), American periodicals («Prometej / Prometheus», «Nasha Batkivzhshyna / Our Motherland», «Tryzub / Trident», «Svoboda / Freedom»), etc. She was an active author of the monthly «Vilna Ukraina / Free Ukraine» (USA). O. Chernova-Zhyvotko mostly published the articles related to the world or Ukrainian women’s movement, the achievements of Ukrainian women in the political, literary and social fields.

    Key words: Ukrainian press, publicism, literary critic, women’s movement.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 12.05.2020

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Title: Publishing of Volodymyr Vynnychenko works by Kharkiv cooperative publishing house «Rukh»


Podolyaka Nadiya

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 80–87

  • The article considers the editorial aspects of preparation for the publication of works by the classic of Ukrainian literature, public and political figure V. Vynnychenko. It is emphasized that in the 20-30s of the twentieth century. It was at the Rukh Kharkiv Cooperative Publishing House that the first attempt was made to publish a complete collection of the writer’s works.
    A historical parallel was drawn between the two fates of the editor I. Lyzanivsky and the writer V. Vynnychenko, which helped to find a common ground and to draw conclusions.
    Particular attention is paid to V. Vynnychenko’s correspondence with the Publishing Board. Various aspects of preparing a complete collection of works are illustrated with examples, supported by considerations and explanations.
    The historical section of the facts made it possible to determine the violation of the use of V. Vynnychenko’s works without the consent of the author, which shows the inconsistency of the actual state of the economy of that time and the law declared in the laws.

    Key words: V. Vynnychenko, I. Lyzanivsky, Rukh Kharkiv Cooperative Publishing House, history of publishing, editorial preparation of works.

  • UDC 007 : 304 : 655.4(477)(091) Vynnychenko

    Publishing of Volodymyr Vynnychenko works by Kharkiv cooperative publishing house «Rukh»

    Podolyaka Nadiya, PhD (Social Communications),
    Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Institute of Journalism, 13b Marshala Tymoshenka Str, Kyiv, 04212, Ukraine, e-mail: [email protected].
    ORCID –

    The article deals with the editorial aspects of preparation for the publication of works of the classic of Ukrainian literature, public and political figure V. Vynnychenko. It is noted that in the 20-30’s of the twentieth century. It was in the Kharkiv Rukh Cooperative Publishing House that the first attempt was made to publish a complete collection of writer’s works.
    Research Methodology. A historical parallel was drawn between the two fates of editor I. Lizanivsky and writer V. Vynnychenko, which helped to find common ground and to reach conclusions. Common scientific methods and the historical-critical method have also been used. The source is the documents of the Central State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to V. Vynnychenko’s correspondence with the Board of Publishers. Various aspects of the preparation of complete works are illustrated by examples, supported by considerations and explanations.
    Results. The previously unknown facts about the functioning of the domestic publishing sphere were introduced into scientific circulation, in particular, copyright infringement on works and royalties.
    It is determined that there are many controversial and unresolved issues of the artist’s heritage today. There is almost no analysis of the editorial preparation of V. Vynnychenko’s works; the works were mostly subject to literary and critical analysis than to editorial conclusions.
    One of the important directions of the editorial preparation of works is the formation of the structure of publications. Summing up the activities of the publishing house «Ruh» in this aspect, the main shortcomings of the first full-fledged publication of the works of V.Vynnychenko are identified.
    Novelty. The historical section of consideration of the facts provided an opportunity to identify violations of the use of the works of V. Vynnychenko without the consent of the author shows the discrepancy between the actual state of the then economy and the right declared in the laws.

    Key words: V. Vynnychenko, I. Lyzanivsky, Rukh Kharkiv Cooperative Publishing House, history of publishing, editorial preparation of works.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 08.04.2020

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Title: Peculiarities of type­forming features of modern medical and biological publications «World Of Medicine And Biology»


Sushkova Olena

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 88–95

  • The purpose of the article is to analyze the journal «World Of Medicine And Biology» to determine the characteristics of the type-forming features of modern medical and biological publications as a segment of the information space. The stated topic in this context is considered for the first time, which will expand the concept of the scientific periodical’s functions of medical and biological content, its type-forming features, and the problem range of topics. This is the relevance of scientific research. In the course of the research the main type-forming features are determined, which in different sequence of their influence form the type of modern medical-biological publication as a segment of information space. They include the publishing form, frequency, and duration of publication, region of distribution, format, volume; functional, organizational and editorial, classroom, and informational features.

    Key words: scientific publication, medicine, biology, journal, topics, problems, typology.

  • UDC 007 : 304 : 070 : 655

    Peculiarities of type­forming features of modern medical and biological publications «World Of Medicine And Biology»

    Sushkova Olena, PhD (Philology), Associate Professor,
    Sumy State University, 2, Rymsky­-Korsakov St., Sumy, 40007, Ukraine, е-mail: [email protected]
    ORCID – 0000-0002-2765-6654

    Introduction. The practical study of journals in order to determine its place in the system of scientific communication involves the identification of typological features and characteristics, as well as modeling and forecasting of new publications. Such analysis includes: classification by thematic orientation, determination of typological features of journals and their types, logical classification model, typological modeling.
    Relevance and purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyze the journal «World Of Medicine And Biology» to determine the characteristics of type-forming features of modern medical and biological publications as a segment of the information space. The relevance is due to the need to expand the concept of the scientific periodicals functions of medical and biological content, its type-forming features, and the problem range of topics.
    Methodology. Descriptive-analytical methods have used to perform the work. The analytical method, aimed at determining the components of the subject for further comprehensive study, allowed to determine the scientific validity and feasibility of each of the type-forming features. The descriptive method allowed selecting units of analysis and classifying them for analysis.
    Results. The scientific journal «World Of Medicine And Biology» is published 4 times a year. 45 articles are in each issue. Acquaintance with the content allows to be aware of most current developments, to discuss them, to receive the necessary information about scientific directions and schools, dissertation researches, conferences and congresses devoted to urgent problems of medicine and biology. The editorial board believes that the publication of the journal is appropriate because there is a necessity for close scientific cooperation of scientists dealing with basic medical problems – morphologists, physiologists, biologists, representatives of clinical specialities, whose research indicates ways to solve both fundamental and applied problems. Materials for publication are accepted from specialists in the field of theoretical, preventive, clinical medicine, related disciplines, as well as research in the field of biological sciences. Thematically, the articles in the publication are divided into two areas: clinical and experimental medicine.
    Conclusions. In the course of the research the main type-forming features are determined, which in different sequence of their influence form the type of modern medical-biological publication as a segment of information space. They include the publishing form, frequency, and duration of publication, region of distribution, format, volume; functional, organizational and editorial, classroom and informational features.

    Key words: scientific publication, medicine, biology, journal, topics, problems, typology.

    Стаття надійшла до редакції 04.09.2020

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Title: Penser L’Histoire des Médias. Review


Blavatskyy Serhiy

ISSN 2415-8496
Obraz, 2020. Vol.1 (33). P. 94–97

  • Penser l’histoire des Medias is the title of the latest co-authored (collective) monograph under the direction of Claire Blandin, Emmanuelle Fantin, Francois Robinet and Valerie Schafer. It is devoted to the study of media history in the West, specifically, «the historiographic and academic path it went through, but also its actuality and its perspectives».

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